Foundation S1
Far in the future, The Empire is about to face a reckoning unlike anything else it's faced before: several millennia of chaos have been predicted by the galaxy's leading psycho-historian, Hari Seldon. But can The Empire offset the disaster before it begins?
We worked on most of the shots involving the planet Synnax, seen from space, from a terrestrial point of view and underwater.
For the rings, we dissected the resources available from the Cassini–Huygens space research mission exploring Saturn’s System. We also collected references from Nasa. We really tried to build a coherent universe and created some VFX grounded to reality.
Perspective, light and shading were very important in order to create beautiful reflections so we decided to create each component in 3D instead of a more traditional DMP workflow. The rings were made of little rocks scattered along curves, the skies were a mix of HDRI’s and hundreds of individual clouds as VDB scattered in the distance.
For the Synnax village, we received extensive reference photography and photogrammetry from the practical set build – we extended in a logical way what was built. We created a library of individual assets: walkways, platforms, houses, stairs, canoes, fishing ropes, props etc.
The village layout was done using proxy geometry then exported as point cloud to light, where the proxy geometry was swapped to high resolution geometry. In parallel each asset was detailed, and random props and ropes were scattered throughout the whole layout whilst Houdini proceduralism facilitated the task.
We used and improved ILP’s great expertise and solid pipeline to deal with the challenges of CG water. Most of the shots involving Synnax ocean extension were handled by Lighting, using ILP’s ocean toolset – with the ability to control wave/wind speed and scale, cross wind and mix multiple water descriptions for water breakup. But, for more complex shots, such as the sea sirens interacting with the water surface, or the giant wave we required custom water simulation. The interactive water was simulated using Houdini Flip solver. Multiple FX layers were generated: meshed water splash, white water, underwater bubbles and wet maps.
Project credits
VFX Supervisor: Niklas Ström, Nicolas Hernandez
Executive Producer: Måns Björklund
Production Manager: Kajsa Kurtén
VFX Coordinator: Jonas From, Rebecca Forsmark
Build Supervisor: Adrian Tsang
Comp Supervisor: Victor Sanchez
Light Supervisor: Erik Johansson
Prep Supervisor: Biljana Temelkova
Juri Bryan
Alexander Scherffig
Alvaro Cajal
Andrej Blom
Anton Stattin
Arturo Orgaz Casado
Aswin Aerden
Cecilia Furén
David Wahlberg
Emma Hildestrand
Fredrik Jalker
Jose Zea Nombela
Josh Parks
Joshua Mutter
Juan Manuel Prada Gomez
Karin Engström
Kenny Vähäkari
Kim Lindqvist
Kristian Olsson
Loka Vegborn
Ludwig Ek
Luisa Leitão
Martin Bergquist
Martin Eneroth Johansson
Miguel Garcao
Nicklas Andersson
Nicolas Rolke
Niklas Asmus
Niklas Nyqvist
Niklas Wanggren
Niko Junge
Stefan Andersson
Sverker Nordqvist
Timmy Lundin
Tom Balogh
Tsae Yen Cheong
Valter Svenstedt
Will Elsdale