Skeleton Crew

The charming little owl Kim, who the kids encounter in episode 3, was realized as a physical puppet, along with a fully digital counterpart. Care was taken to retain the integrity, appeal and aesthetics of the puppeteered performance also in the digitally enhanced shots. The goal was to keep the CG animation consistent with the puppetry, whilst amplifying the emotions of the character.

In certain shots Kim's performance was puppeteered and captured in-camera. In others, she was animated and rendered using the digital replica. Many shots also utilized a full CG head added on top of the puppeteered performance.

The 3D asset was built, groomed, and look developed to closely match the practical puppet, with extra attention given to the head and facial features. All the feathers were set up for simulation passes, adding secondary motion, resolving intersections, and interaction with other objects in the scene.

Another one of our key sequences involved the creation of Cthallops, a giant frog-like creature who resides in a large underground mud spa. This character was a fun task and had a variety of unique challenges. Featuring complex tentacle animation, a fleshy moustache, semi-rigid head spines and luminous eyes, our animators and cfx artists had plenty to juggle. In keeping with the show's in-camera aesthetic Cthallops movements were heavily restricted to better replicate the puppetry and animatronics used elsewhere in the show.

The creation of the mud spa itself also contained a number of atmospheric elements to add to the ominous feeling in this damp and murky environment. A variety of techniques were used to create the bubbling mud surface and simulated mud and steam interactions.

Many muzzles
Our final task was to augment/add dialogue to some of the puppeteered characters. This involved creating digi-doubles and hand animated to match the updated dialogue. Special attention was paid to matching the motion of the puppets from the surrounding shots.


Project credits

VFX Supervisor: Bobo Skipper and Grant Walker
Executive Producer: Måns Björklund

Production Manager: Jonas From
Coordinators: Joachim Losey, Karl Oliver Fjaervoll, Nickoel Izharudin and Pia Josephson

CG Supervisor: Jens Lindgren
Animation Supervisor: Jed Fisher and Kristian Ström
Build Supervisor: Per Bergsten and Fredrik Ueberle
Comp Supervisor: Johan Boije
FX Supervisor: Federica Foresti
Light Supervisor: Andrej Blom and Hannes Drossel
Prep Supervisor: Biljana Temelkova
Track Supervisor: Niklas Wånggren
Editorial: Bradley Jordan

Leads + Artists
Andreas Krieg
Anton Stattin
Basilisa Cánovas Rubio
Elliott Broutin
Emma Hildestrand
Erik Tylberg
Fiona Dromard
Fredrik Jalker
Gabor Pulai
Gergana Margules
Guillaume Duparchy
Gustav Ahren
Hamed Bank
Hannes Drossel
Hugo Medda
Jannes Kreyenberg
Jona Maluck
Josh Parks
Joshua Mutter
Karim Eich
Karin Engström
Kristian Ström
Liv Ståhl Malmström
Lorenzo Lovera
Margot De Smet
Martin Joas
Martin Törnestedt
Matteo Di Lena
Mattias Sandelius
Melina Tancheva Cvetanoska
Mikael Pettersson
Nathan Reynolds
Nils Ruisch
Patrik Wedinger
Patrik Windahl
Peter Marin
Pétur Stingur Arnórsson
Richard Thorsson
Rodions Jepejevs
Simon Backlund
Stefan Kleindienst
Stephen Goodson
Swanand Gjestvang
Terence Farlot
Thomas Müller
Thure Koch
Tom Balogh
Tucker Cullinan
Valentin Soulard
Will Elsdale